Baby & family portrait photographer, Fulham
Here are some favourites from a recent family portrait photography shoot in London (in a heatwave)!
The way I approach family photoshoots is not to pose people in a way I think would look pretty; its about capturing genuine moments of emotion that are sometimes blatantly there in front of me, as with this shoot, or sometimes a little bit hidden, and need to be found…as if searching for treasure . On this occasion the baby was very happy all the time, but often that’s not the case. Toddlers with new baby siblings especially are often not very happy about the new changes and the last thing they want is a photographer coming round to shower yet more attention on the new baby and force them into uncomfortable smiley poses. Well, this is where taking a more natural child focused approach to portrait photography comes in, and where its a bit more work, but still entirely possible, to capture moments of pure emotion and love that are so tangibly visible in this shoot.
No family is perfect, and that’s not what I’m there to seek out or force in my photography. Every family has days and things happen to them they’d rather forget. But in among all the chaos, pain and the roller coaster of emotions most of us experience, there is always a deep down love that every family shares with each other. This is what I want to seek out and take photos of….just you guys being you, taking a moment to slow down, take a breath and look at one another and truly appreciate what you are and how it feels when you are together.
This family were beautiful together and the love they share was pure joy to photograph.
family photographer london